I was born in small town, Texas where everyone knows everyone else and there’s not a whole lot going on. In high school, my mom and I went on a two-week tour of Greece and I think that’s when everything really started changing. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the other cultures and sights this massive world had to offer, of all the food and experiences I hadn’t yet had. I quickly accepted that I didn’t want the 9 to 5 office job with steady pay and a 401k. Nooooo, thank you. I wanted long flights, bumpy bus rides, and crowded trains!
After college, I took my first backpacking trip with my then-partner through South Asia. We traveled around for nine months with no pre-planning and even when times were tough, I was in love. Since then, I’ve gotten my RYT 200 yoga certification, bought a van, self-converted it and started wandering my way around the United States!

I hope to write about my last 3 years of travel here, along with my current adventures and van life experiences. I want to share moments and advice from living van life, my good and not so good times with different countries and cultures and my challenges with continuing my yoga practice while constantly shifting spaces. I endeavor to travel deeper, and all of these things inspire me to continue to strike that Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (mermaid pose) all across the globe!
I’m not exactly sure where this website will travel to, or how it will evolve as this little yogi continues to go round and round this earth, but I’m glad to have y’all around for the ride!