You’re probably here because you want to know a bit more about me, so let me introduce myself!
I’m Casey, a 26-year-old wild dreamer with an insatiable desire for wandering. I’ve never been interested in an “ordinary life” and I’m constantly trying to push my own boundaries in search of whatever magic the world has to offer.
Why I Travel
I grew up in a small town in Texas where everyone knew everyone else. In high school, my mom and I went on a two-week tour of Greece and I think that’s when everything really started changing. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the other cultures and sights this massive world had to offer, of all the food and experiences I hadn’t yet had. I quickly accepted that I didn’t want the 9 to 5 office job with steady pay and a 401k. Nooooo, thank you. I wanted long flights, bumpy bus rides, and crowded trains!
After college, I took my first backpacking trip with my then-partner through South Asia. We traveled around for nine months with no pre-planning and even when times were tough, I was in love. Since then, I’ve gotten my RYT 200 yoga certification, bought a van, self-converted it and started wandering my way around the United States!

I believe that travel is so much more than just checking off a bucket list – that all the things you learn from it, can really change your life. My travels have helped me grow as a person and have enriched my life with their beauty and diversity. The varied cultures and people I’ve already met have shown me what freedom really feels like. The ability to pursue my own dreams and passions instead of daydreaming out the window of somebody else’s office.
Yogi Go Round
I’ve started this blog as my own personal diary and art project. A way to keep up with my many thoughts and travel-centric experiences. I aim to inspire others to travel and to share the wild wanderings of one out of touch blonde with no real plans for growing up.
If you like my blog or just want to support me, please consider spreading the word, subscribing, and following along on social media. The support of my family and friends (both irl and otherwise) is what motivates me to keep moving!